4.september 2021
This message came intuitive through me, and was written so quickly that I didn’t know what I had write, before I read it afterwards.
I was asked to share this message with you.
Hope this can be helpful.
«I am not evil. I am sent to wake you up. To see, what you haven’t seen before.
To see The different nuances between light and dark- and to see different aspects in yourself and others.
We are on a mission to wake you up so you can see clearly what’s going on. So you can choose clearly what is right for you. What resonates deep inside you.
Which path you choose to follow is your choice, your learning, your experience.
Whatever path you choose to follow, you will be shaken, so you can get in contact with new depths in yourself and see deeper layers in the human spin on earth.
Every person has their own path to follow, their own path to discover, their own path to wake up to – to see their reality- the reality that resonates with their soul purpose.
Each and everyone of us is here for a reason in this lifetime – in this shift. And we all have different aspect of learning in this.
We are all in different classes in the school of life. Someone have just started on this school, someone is on second grade- others are on high school and some of us is teachers.
We all have a role in this play and in this plan.
Somebody has to play the bad guy so it can be good guys. If we hadn’t had the contrasts we wouldn’t grow, there would be a flat ground.
Even if it seems like a lot evil and ego is coming to the surface right now, you don’t have to be afraid, because that triggers the light to be turned on in all the people who are ready for the next stage of growth and expansion into a new reality and consciousness.
Trust and listen inside yourself- you know what’s the right path for you. You know what your soul is ready for this time.
A lot of us have been “here” before, in a similar situation of expansion and we can lead the way from another level of knowing from the inside guidances, if we listen.
Trust that you have all the answears you need to do what’s right for you right now.
We all have our part of this and there is a bigger plan which is orchestrated far more intelligent than you ever can imagine.
So trust the source that created you, trust your inner knowing, do your path, clear up what’s showing up inside you – what get mirrored in you. That’s your job, do it and you will help to lift the vibration in you and the collective. If everyone do their part – we will expand to a new level of consciousness on earth.
We are ready to grow as souls, therefor this is happening now. Trust and do your part – I will do mine.
You are never alone. We are watching and supporting you from the other side all the time.
Ask us for help if you feel lonely and lost, we are always here.
Thank you for being part of this important work. Together we will rise to a whole new level of consciousness.»
Hilde Bekken
In To The Flow
"Remember who you are - and why you are here."
In To The Flow